Monday, August 31, 2009

一年一度的假期 - 国庆日!

今天又是国庆日了。。。国家独立年份又再次增加一年了-第五十二届!对国家来说国庆日就是一年一度的大好日子;相反的,国庆日对我来说就好像是正在期待的一年一度假期罢了!我总觉得国庆日没什么大的意义!这可能是因为国家独立的时候,我还没出世;没能感受所谓历史的一刻。我现在所知道的一切都是从历史课本里读到的,并非亲身体验的。说到“亲身体验”嘛。。。 我想,那是根本不可能发生的事情吧!哈哈^^



Tai Pao, Lim Beh, PkY & mE………......[29th and 30th August].

Four of us are from North Borneo and this is our very first time reunion in Peninsular Malaysia. Each and every one of us are study in different places and different area: Tay(Uniten in Selangor), Lim(KBU in Bandar Utama), Pang(Matriculation in Negeri Sembilan) and me(INTEC, UiTM in Shah Alam). No matter how far we are, we had tried our best to meet with each others. In this 2days, I got the feeling that just the same as the feels in my secondary school class (5 Berlian). Little did I forget that unique feeling even though we had separated for approximately 9 months.

We first met at Sunway Pyramid at 10.30am except Tay, he joined us at night. 3 of us had our breakfast in Burger King followed by shopping there. Pang had used around $400 to $500 for shopping including brought a set of baju melayu which cost him $100. Lim and I could not believe our ears once Pang mentions that he wants to buy a baju melayu. Anyway, both of us had choose a best colour for him - dark blue. For Lim, he managed bought a pair of shoes in Body Glove. And me, I only successfully cut my hair.

We then met with Lim’s sister, YenChing and one of her pretty friend. Opss, forgot what is her name already! HehE^^ We went for a drama together in City Harvest Church. The show was totally awesome, especially the duplicate of Michael Jackson’s MoonWalk dance! That dancer was really expect and pro; he managed to do such challenging dance and he did very well. After the show, Tay joined us.
We went for dessert immediately after the dinner and that’s why we were extremely full that night. After dessert, YenChing fetch us back to Lim’s hostel. What a good plan from God. All his roommates, coincidently had gone back and hence, we all “bomb” into his house that night.

The clock was pointing at 2 in the morning and 4 of us still awake. Perhaps, we all were too excited with our reunion and can’t fall asleep. Then, we go McDonald for our so called supper or breakfast.

On the second day, we actually planned to go Sunway Lagoon. But, it was raining that day and we had Hobson’s choice but to change our plan. We then decided to shopping again in 1Utama. We also watch the movie District 9 at cinema there. Before that, we had our lunch and this was the climax. Frankly said, we were lost in 1U. It sounds weird, right?? 1U was in Lim’s area and he had gone there for thousands times. However, Lim himself could not find the restaurant that he suggested! Even though we had passed through that shop, he also didn’t realized about that. After walked here and there for many rounds, we finally reach the particular restaurant!! We only ate “Shen Mei Lu (西米露)” for our lunch and it was extremely delicious.

After movie, it was the time for us to separate again. The time was running so fast, 2 days was over. I really hope that the time was stopped for us but I knew that was impossible. Tay and I headed to KTM station to go back where we from and Pang, he decided to stay one more day wif Lim. These symbolized that our first reunion had ended.

I’m looking for the next reunion!

Friday, August 28, 2009


就在每个人都因着A H1N1 放假而兴兴奋奋回家时,我却不知何故会傻傻的逗留在INTEC里参加IN-PRo篮球比赛...... 而我还代表了AUSMAT 队呢。。。 很了不起,对吗??深深的在我脑海里,我还能清晰的记得我队当天出赛三场,而三场赛事里我却只是在当队伍里所谓的“候补”而已!!!三场赛事里,我与另一个队友都是全时坐“冷板”,就连球也没碰到。。。旁观者会以什么眼光来看我们呢??在他们眼里,我们俩就好像是两个不会打篮球的小子, 只是在混水摸鱼凭着大队取得胜利而已。。。或者也有人会想我们俩大概是脸皮太厚了吧,参加比赛就只是为了奖品和奖状的利益。。。可能他不在乎这点吧!也可能是我们俩的技术实在太烂了!说真的,当候补我是无所谓的,但我却不想当个“全时”候补啊。。。我们俩的存在对队伍来说就好像是有无都没关系的。。这也太没意事了吧!!还有,我们队伍成员共有十人。。。 比赛当天却只来了九位,还有一个却莫名其妙的缺席了。。。 这位“大人”可说是讲就天下无敌,做就有心无力。。。比赛前晚,他还大声地“宣布”他非出席明早的比赛不可。这一切都是放屁!!比赛当天连鼻子的影子都没见到,还说非出席不可。。。


"Everybody... Somebody... Anybody... Nobody..."

The story is all about four different people with totally different characteristics who named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. Story goes like this......

One day, there was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was confident that Somebody would do it. Anybody also could have done it, but Nobody did it. As a result, Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody would not do it. It ended up with Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!!
Can you understand the story???

This is what my facilitator had taught my group in the Co-PLN program last Wednesday evening and this is one of her lessons only. This story had taught us one of the reality in our daily life - RESPONSIBILITY. There was some people who always hoping others to do their own jobs especially in the college life which a lots of group assignments/projects need to be done. In my own opinion, there was indeed such persons in this world and even there are plenty of them around us. It is just we don't have the very courage to point them out only. Actually, each and every of us had our own responsibility and we should be the one complete it but not hoping or waiting others to do for us. For me, i'm strongly dislike those "passenger" to be exist especially in the group with me!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

一包价值一零吉的快速面 与 一杯香浓浓的白咖啡.... =)

这样的午餐可不是第一次吃了,而是连续好几天了!我也拿不了什么办法啊。。 周围的食馆及摊子全都没开呀!要等到旁晚才有,不吃“这个”就得挨饿了。。。 身在外地求学的我也只好适应当地的环境,而不是让环境来适应我 这可是到外地生活的第个一条件哦。我想Shah Alam 本来就是个马来人地区吧!也很难怪他们白天不卖食物,毕竟现在正是他们受斋的时候。。。 对我而言,每一件事都有因果,这该是上天给我的考验之一吧!不管那么多……现在最想念的还是我老妈拿手的“马铃薯鸡”, 想到口水都会情不知经的流了出来。。。还好, 从今天倒数可还有24天我就可以归家了。嘻嘻^^ 别笑哦!这可是我离开家到这里求学的第一次回家哦!总觉得家里是最舒服、最温暖的窝。。。!!


1st time writing BLOG....

It was 27th August... and it was 3.03 in the morning.... Everything seems to be in the silent mode.....
I was still awake writing my very first blog and alone in my room, 5th floor of Kolej Cendana.... All my housemates had back to their sweet home due to the 1 week mid-term holiday... For me, i'm not feel like to going back for two consecutive months... i choose to stay in the hostel... And back in Hari Raya... Little did i notice that it was July in Chinese calender - Ghost Month. Am i affright or scare?? Perhaps no, i answer... One of my NEW friends trying to frighten me out by mentioning the Ghost Month and kept on with the ghost story in the hostel...
So what??!