Friday, May 13, 2011



Good vs Bad





Thursday, May 5, 2011

What an UNEXPECTED day~!

It’s has been long time I didn’t write in foreign language – English. Let’s ROCK this blog with the language I use everyday here~!

Really~! What an “ordinary” unexpected Thursday. Yeah, today is Thursday^^

What a shocking grade for my Management assignment. It’s was totally out of expectation even my powerful brain also have no idea about that. I get a “B”~!!! (It’s not a good marks, I know.) But, I have not expect myself to get a such high marks. Deep in my heart, I only wish I’m not going to fail this very assignment or at least get a “C” for it. Why I aim for such a low marks? OR, in other words, WORST marks ever people hoping for~! The reason is very simple; I did the assignment last seconds and not last minutes. A twelve pages research report I done within 24hours and I got “BBBBBB” for it. Should I proud of myself??! HehE^^ For you all information, “B” grade is the average marks in my tutorial class and there were only two people got an “A”. This proves that my mark was not really terrible. But, there were people who got “C”. I’m kinda curious how they do their assignments? Since I can finished it within a day and get an average marks; how come they can’t?? t=.=????? Isn’t they do it within the last 2 hours? I really wish I have the courage to approach them and ask them face to face… =P

Here is the PROVE~!Assignment's GRADE


What a friendly UStay reception counter officials. I didn’t know that they are so friendly and helpful until I post an emergency “SOS” in UStay 2011’s facebook page. I’m waiting for another McKenzies/Clumberland resident to save me. But, who knows, in the end, is the reception officials who rescued me… Glad to be UStay resident (BUT, the rent is kinda EXPENSIVE)~!

Following is the details;UStay 2011




My shoulder is always for you.

Don’t worry, she will be alright~!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


芝桦总是会很自然的在Facebook里找我聊天。是聊天吗?还是所谓的“三八”??!不管是聊天还是“套我的料”,她总在很恰当的时辰找我。当然现在的我也是刚从“面子书”里的聊天室爬出来。还有谁?就是那在奥克兰常常无所事事的芝桦小妹妹咯~!【不是在嫌妳烦啦!正好那时我也是不想温习功课 。HehE^^】刚才跟芝桦聊天还蛮开心的;she really brighten up my night ~!芝桦,听妳说真的好兴奋哦!谢谢妳喔!答应妳的Ice-cream绝不会落空~!下次会继续与妳分享更多~!=]




她啊?就好象小妹妹咯~!总是在耍可爱、扮可爱、装可爱、要人家讲她可爱。。。很 LAME,对吧?她的为人还蛮不错的,对人还廷用心的。以前在班上就是大家的开心果,实际上大概是小丑吧~!别生气哦,生气就不可爱了!!【别放在心上啦!只是开个玩笑而已。以后还要跟妳聊的~!】说真的,她还常常被我们欺负的。。。有点不好意思,但我还是会继续的!Yeah~!

顺便也在这介绍一下芝桦的姐姐 – Cerion Kang。。。


真是一个天堂一个地狱!Cerion 还廷漂亮的。她在“面子书”也是蛮活跃的。我每次在“面子书”上有新的status及照片,她就会很迅速的去comment / LIKE。效率还蛮高的!听起来我们好像很熟,对吧?说真的,我与她并没说过一句话!甚至见也没见过呢~!只是在“面子书”认识而与,也是她主动 ADD 我的。当然,我也很庆幸认识她。她可说是个蛮独立的女生~!她现在应该是身于UK吧!真佩服她~!




I understand you.

I won’t ever put pressure on you.

Just follow your heart.